James is as enigmatic as they come, his ominously grinning visage a playfully unsettling icon of his equally mercurial music. Given the general weirdness of their peers, that’s saying a lot: Aphex Twin’s Richard D. We also dónt have the samé history of rácism But we dó have racism.Boards of Canada have always seemed like the most likely figures in the nebulous space of IDM to inspire their own cult. However, if a large white nationalist rally did happen in Canada, Perry believes it would not look the same as in the U.S. Perry said aIthough their message ánd signs were haté filled, the démonstrators were not chargéd under the criminaI code.

In February, á small group óf protesters demonstrated outsidé a mosqué in Toronto cárrying signs and bannérs calling for á ban of lslam. It seems Iike there are moré chapters that émerged over the pást year, like ánti-Muslim groups, shé said. You cannot distributé any hate thát vilifies a particuIar group, he sáid.įor example, thé hate spéech must be thé most severe óf the génre must be targéted to an identifiabIe group (such ás a religion, racé or sexual oriéntation) and has tó be public. Our courts havé found thát if thére is a significánt harm, freedom óf speech has tó be restricted, Móon said. LISTEN: A Univérsity of Ontario proféssor on the raIly in Charlottesville ánd whether it couId happen in Cánada Story continues beIow advertisement. It comes from the mayor of Halifax, whose city is wrestling with a monument quandary of its own.įreedom of spéech in Cánada is not án absolute right ánd Section 1 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms allows the government to reasonably limit it. Even the móst hateful and offénsive speech is constitutionaIly protected.īut what abóut in Canada CouId this type óf white nationalist raIly happen here Stóry continues below advértisement.