
Colour coded tajweed quran pdf
Colour coded tajweed quran pdf

colour coded tajweed quran pdf

Let’s proceed point by point, Inshaa’Allah. In this post we already discussed that نَصْرٌ مِّنَ اللَّـهِ وَفَتْحٌ قَرِيبٌ specifically refers to the mighty help and the remarkable victory that Allah blessed His Messenger and his noble followers in the form of the Conquest of Makkah! Today, Inshaa’Allah, we will try to explore and understand matters related to the concept of Victory and Allah’s Help in Islam. Allah acknowledges and appreciates man’s love to attain victory in worldly affairs. This aspect of human being is neither negated nor neglected by Islam. To see the result of his endeavor in front of his very eyes.

colour coded tajweed quran pdf

Man’s nature is that he wants to attain worldly success. But then it is also true that a Muslim wants to achieve success in this world too. It is true that for a Muslim, the Ultimate Success is the success in the Hereafter. This ayah is a perfect motivation for Muslims to endeavor to achieve success, glory and happiness. When we see the tide of kufr ruling the roost, this ayah comes as the silver lining in the otherwise dark clouds.

colour coded tajweed quran pdf

Cheers us up when we feel low or let down. Nor can you achieve anything! نَصْرٌ مِّنَ اللَّـهِ وَفَتْحٌ قَرِيبٌ is yet another most inspiring ayahs of the glorious Qur’an. Without the help and grace from your Lord, you cannot do anything. To give an example: I was inactive in this blog for quite sometime but then Allah kept it active! More than a hundred hits the post on this inspiring ayah alone gets on a daily basis. I believe – and it’s true – that Allah’s help is always there.

Colour coded tajweed quran pdf