
El ciclo de vida del desarrollo de software educativo
El ciclo de vida del desarrollo de software educativo

Therefore, training of development personnel regarding accessibility standards is essential, so that they can perform the software tests. Desarrollo del concepto Escuelas Azules y creacin de un sello que identifique los centros educativos participantes. Another aspect to consider, which can be a challenge as expressed by the study groups MSG18 and MSG1, is the selection of appropriate tools to generate the models, since sometimes the generated code is not the most efficient and it is necessary to perform certain modifications to obtain quality software.Following the aforementioned problems when using an MDD approach for accessible software, companies face challenges when they adopt this paradigm, among which are the selection of the appropriate model-driven development method, the techniques and tools to be applied, or monitoring accessibility problems in the process so it is necessary to train staff and modify or adapt work roles in the development team, and all this can mean an increase in costs for the organization.There are similar basic features that can be easily included in a model and then converted to a platform-independent code, such as forms, menus and accessible content The recommendations on web accessibility, especially those of the W3C, are being adapted to the software for mobile devices.

El ciclo de vida del desarrollo de software educativo